Crystal Blue Phosphate Remover Tablets
Are you still using traditional liquid-based phosphate removers?
If so, you’re missing out. Join many other swimming pool professionals and swimming pool owners who have made the switch to also enjoy:
Maximum efficacy
• Perfect for high and low-level phosphate reduction
• Rapid dissolution of active component for a fast track to optimal phosphate levels
• Perfect for use as a fast fix and as a regular maintenance treatment
Easiest application
• Formulated to simply add tabs to the skimmer or pump basket
• Works with all regular pool treatment and filtration systems
No waste
• No expensive liquids to spill or overdose
• No early backwashing of unused phosphate remover to clear a cloudy pool
Excellent pool aesthetics
• Zero to minimal clouding due to
fundamental difference in where the action takes place
No swimming downtime
• Treat and swim without needing to wait
Efficient inventory control
• Accurate stock allocation for service teams
• Good for the planet due to least amount of packaging
• Massive savings in handling and distribution costs
Why should I use a phosphate remover?
Algae loves phosphates as phosphates are an excellent source of nutrients for the algae to survive and thrive. Remove the phosphates and minimize your pool challenges. Phosphates are rapidly becoming a major issue for spa and pool owners. High levels are the thing of pool service nightmares as it helps spawn algae blooms at speed. Many water treatment facilities actually add phosphate to maintain infrastructure. There are various sources, but with phosphate-bearing water coming out of the tap, pool owners and pool professionals should take a proactive approach.
What are phosphate removal tablets and how do I use them?
Our phosphate removal tablets are stabilized formulations of complementary ingredients carefully developed for optimal performance. Phosphate removal tablets bind with the phosphates forming insoluble molecules that are then filtered out and backwashed to waste.